
过渡的数学电子竞技竞彩平台 partnered with district high schools to offer 过渡的数学 to their 学生. 来自高中和大学的教师合作开发并提供了三门过渡数学课程:技术数学, Quantitative Literacy and Statistics, 和阀杆. Almost all high schools in the 电子竞技竞彩平台 district offer at least one of these courses. 学生必须符合资格, and a passing grade can be used to bypass Triton’s math placement test, 保证学生能在特里顿学院学习各种学分水平的数学课程, saving them time and money. 全州所有其他社区学院和一些州立大学将接受这些课程的及格成绩作为学分水平数学的基础. This website is meant to be a reference for teachers, 学生, 父母, and counselors wishing to learn more about 过渡的数学. Interested 学生 or 父母 should contact math faculty, 咨询师, or an administrator at their high school to learn more. 高中教师, 管理员, and counselors with questions or looking to work with Triton college can contact jeanettebartley@binariun.net 了解更多信息.

The Foundation of 过渡的数学


Course Offerings Listed by High School

Benefits of 过渡的数学

Choosing the Right 过渡的数学 Course

Student Eligibility Requirements

